Robbin Itkin

Corporate Governance Solutions

curated strategies | proficient solutions℠

Corporate Governance

As an independent director or manager, Robbin provides effective governance and strategic planning. She helps  navigate complex company  challenges and  fosters effective decision-making, strategic growth, sustainable success, and long-term organizational resilience. She leverages her strategic vision and extensive restructuring experience in addressing financial issues  and internecine disputes. She is known for achieving resolution in severely polarized situations. Successful  business solutions have been developed for companies in and emerging from bankruptcy,  in out-of-court workouts and in all stages of their lifecycle. 

Independent Director for Company Boards

Provides unbiased oversight and strategic guidance for corporate governance and compliance.

Independent Manager for LLCs

Manages LLC operations impartially, resolving member disputes and overseeing business activities.

Company/Stakeholders Fiduciary

Acts in the best interest of the company and its stakeholders, providing guidance for ethical and legal compliance.

Provisional Director

Temporarily fills board vacancies, offering expertise and stability during transitional periods.

Dispute Resolution/Mediator Services

Facilitates negotiations and settlements to resolve conflicts efficiently and amicably.